Hearing seemed to be more theatre than useful insight.
In an interview on MSNBC discussing the news conference yesterday, Michael Moore speaks of the “threat” against CNN. What threat? CNN is free to report fake news and Trump is free to ignore them and even kick them out of his press conference. It’s his press conference. Then Michael Moore says that Hillary won the […]
I’ve already written about this but they just won’t shut up. I imagine I may write about it again. First Martin Sheen get’s political and now Meryl Streep is firing off. Streep would have us believe that she has entered the life of a whore, a witch, and a zombie to bring us such classics as Mama […]
Stop the Press! Donald Trump tweeted on twitter! And the twits are going out of their minds. Here are the juicy, unbelievable scandalous tweets! (hope you are getting my sarcasm) The villainous tweets begin with this: “The resolution being considered at the United Nations Security Council regarding Israel should be vetoed,” The liberal media believes […]
Though Donald Trump tweeted back in 2014 that Edward Snowden should be executed, Trump should consider pardoning him. If Trump is not going to go after Hillary Clinton (like he promised) he should re-consider what he said about Snowden. Here are Snowden’s words in response during an interview with Katie Couric: “I wonder when it is […]
The first agenda Republicans have for 2017, said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, is to repeal Obamacare. One of president-elect Donald Trump’s promises during his campaign was that he would repeal Obamacare. Later he stated he wanted to replace it. I’m a Libertarian, so personally, I would like the government out of my wallet and […]