State of the Union? Trump and the Democrats Should Pledge to Work Together January 28, 2018 by Stewart Lawrence Leave a Comment In 2018, Democrats and Republicans should commit to bipartisan cooperation, not self-defeating war. Pages: 1 2 Pages ( 1 of 2 ): 1 2Next »
Post-Harvey, Renewed Debate over Climate Change and the Politics of Natural Disaster September 4, 2017 by Stewart Lawrence Leave a Comment Responding to the nation’s worst natural disaster in a critical Red state could force Trump to abandon some of his ideological predilections. Pages: 1 2 Pages ( 1 of 2 ): 1 2Next »
More Solar Jobs Is a Curse, Not a Blessing June 6, 2017 by Paul Driessen Through the political means, companies are able to attract subsidies for inefficiency.
Trump, Paris, Shangri–la, and the war on Carbon. June 1, 2017 by Paul Kilmartin Leave a Comment With the right experts steering the way, things will get much better; with the wrong elitists in charge, we’re doomed.
Who can predict what will happen if conditions do not remain the same? May 2, 2017 by Jerry Newberry Climate change is a fact, but that doesn’t mean the discussion should be closed.
A dark day in Bristol as ESPN faces employee layoffs April 27, 2017 by Jerry Newberry The entertainment industry is about to face changes in their business model, as many manufacturing firms have done over the years.
How can we believe anything we hear about climate change? January 5, 2017 by Jerry Newberry Ordinary citizens are being bombarded by climate data from believers and deniers. How do we know what is true?
The impact of climate change finally hits home December 23, 2016 by Jerry Newberry Our views on climate change may shift as it begins to influence our daily lives instead of some remote part of the world.
Obama just screwed Trump big time November 19, 2016 by Dan Taylor Trump’s plan to boost drilling is going to have a major hurdle to clear thanks to Obama.
The conversation about climate change needs to go in a different direction October 13, 2016 by Jerry Newberry The argument over climate change needs to shift to how can the human race adapt to the upcoming changes.