The United Nations Will Comply Or Crumble

Trump has questioned if the US should de-fund the UN in protest to its lack of effectiveness and in light of the United Nations draft resolution. This is an Egyptian-sponsored resolution that would condemn Israeli housing construction in East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank. The resolution referred to the settlement as a “flagrant violation […]

Trump is not the “godfather of fake news” but Michael Moore is fake news

In an interview on MSNBC discussing the news conference yesterday, Michael Moore speaks of the “threat” against CNN. What threat? CNN is free to report fake news and Trump is free to ignore them and even kick them out of his press conference. It’s his press conference. Then Michael Moore says that Hillary won the […]

The Substance of Things Hoped for Through the Eyes of My Children

On January 10, 2017, President Barack Obama delivered his farewell address. The 44th President of the United States of America undoubtedly made his mark on the world, however my children’s reactions to his speech reminded me of President Obama’s reverberating influence on the next generation.

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