A majority of the cases were in people who had traveled to sub-Saharan Africa.
Magnetic ‘force field’ may save Smith Cloud from doom during its plunge into Milky Way
The Smith Cloud is moving toward the Milky Way at more than 150 miles/second and is anticipated to collide in about 30 million years.
Nikon reveals world’s most stunning microscopic photos
The pictures look like something you might see in a biology textbook, rich and detailed photos of tiny microscopic organisms that cannot be glimpsed with the naked eye.
Maryland twenty-year-old that never aged dies
Scientists believe that the key to the condition may be a gene that slows down developmental inertia.
Swaddling can create hip problems, doctors say
Research shows that babies who are swaddled sleep better and cry less.
‘Lost world’ in Australia yields three new species
Scientists believe that Australia’s “lost world” may have more secrets to yield.
Children need a healthy ‘media diet’ to avoid problems down the road, doctors say
The amount of time spent in front of screens is one issue, the content children are being exposed to is another.
Stunning 100-million-year-old fossilized bird footprints discovered in Australia
HBO tests basic cable agreement with Comcast
HBO has worked recently to make itself more like Netflix.
Discovery of ‘mini-neural computer’ multiplies the brain’s processing power
Dendrites effectively behave as mini-neural computers, actively computing neuronal input signals themselves.