You'll never take a selfie as cool as the Curiosity rover

You'll never take a selfie as cool as the Curiosity rover

Selfie image composite took a bit of work on the part of its creator

Quick – what’s the coolest selfie you’ve ever taken? Maybe with a celebrity, or at a nighttime hotspot? An astronaut recently took one that showed Earth’s reflection in his visor; that was pretty cool. Still, none of that beats the Mars Curiosity Rover, which snapped a photo of itself on the surface of Mars Sunday night.

Good luck topping that with a snapchat of yourself and Justin Bieber.

The above image is actually a composite, created by the blog Lights in the Dark. It’s a mosaic stitched together from about 12 images taken the Mars Hand Lens Imager (MAHLI) instrument on April 27 and 28, 2014. Besides Curiosity’s best attempt at “duck face,” you can see Mars’ Mount Sharp towering in the background towards the right side of the photo.

Blogger Jason Major had this to say about the image:

“Putting this together wasn’t an exact science, so there are plenty of discrepancies where the separate images line up. But that’s okay — the overall effect came out pretty nicely and I’m happy with it. It still a robot on another planet, after all!”

Until we have real, live people walking around on Mars, it’s hard to disagree.

Image credit: Lights in the Dark

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