Florida man kills and decapitates mother after becoming angry that she nagged him to move boxes.
No injuries or damage was reported by local authorities from the quake, which was measured at 5.3 on the Richter scale.
Up to 15 inches of snow was expected in Flagstaff, Ariz., and drivers near Los Angeles were stranded by a snowstorm.
Transportation prices on New Year’s Eve will skyrocket for some ride-hailing services.
A medical examiner ruled that Betsey had died from “starvation due to neglect,” with the autopsy finding that she weighed in at just over four pounds and had lost 2.5 pounds since birth.
Police Commissioner William Evans accused protesters of being outsiders who wanted to “capitalize” on recent tragedies, and said it would be inappropriate to disrupt a family-centric event.
A fire department spokesman told a local TV station that the situation appeared to be a case of “too much salt and too little wall.”
In a tragic story sure to renew interest in the national debate about gun-control, a two-year-old shot and killed his mother in an Idaho Wal-Mart.
The murder charges she faces have to do with two deceased infants, as well as the remains of a fetus, all of which were found in closets in the bedrooms.
Jury selection is set for Jan. 5, but the defense wants to delay the trial all the way until September in order to ensure a “fair trial.”