Given the asymptomatic nature of polio infection, only 1 in every 200 people infected are easily identified.
New scorpion species found in Turkey
Measuring between two and 2.5 centimeters, the adult representative is pale with darker claws.
One-ton satellite to crash-land on Earth, but no one Is sure where
The European Space Agency has claimed that the debris from GOCE could impact pretty much anywhere on Earth.
Daredevil flies above Mount Fuji with homemade jetpack
The daring adventurer reached speeds of 190 miles per hour and altitudes as high as 12,000 feet.
New U.S. rule requires equal treatment for mental illness
The rule requires insurers to charge similar co-payments for mental health treatment as they would for physical ailments.
Black Friday moves to Thanksgiving Thursday as Best Buy announces stunning deals
Smartphones ruining sales of high-end DSLR cameras
Smartphones essentially replaced small, low-end, pocket-sized cameras years ago, but now, they are taking a hatchet to another market: advanced interchangeable-lens cameras.
Astronomers solve mystery of ‘Man in the Moon’
Most of the largest impact basins on the near side of the moon have been filled with lava flows, which conceal important data about the form of the land that could be utilized for determining their size.
Study: allergy shots during pregnancy may decrease allergies in children
Fifty million Americans suffer from allergies for which there is no cure.
Intel’s digital content library soars to more than 225,000 titles after Kno acquisition
The exact terms of the deal have not been disclosed.