Sea level increase will make tidal flooding a regular occurrence by 2045

Sea level increase will make tidal flooding a regular occurrence by 2045

Steadily rising sea levels will lead to a dramatic increase in tidal flooding on both the East and Gulf Coast by 2045.

As the planet’s climate continues to change so do the tides. reports that tidal flooding, an annoying but rather sparse occurrence, could increase dramatically by the year 2045. Tidal flooding, which is caused by rising sea levels, hits most East and Gulf coast towns on a monthly basis. However, according to recent data the rate should increase in the near future.

Scientists report that by the year 2045 flooding could happen weekly or as often as every other day. A study by the Union of Concerned scientists shows that many coastal towns that already experience flooding are going to see a huge increase in sea level in the next twenty years, which in turn will lead to more flooding. The data shows that the towns studied will experience a tripling of high tide flooding in the next fifteen years and a ten fold increase within the next thirty. These results is compiled from fifty two tide gauges taken from both East and Gulf Coast towns.

While much of the East Coast will be effected, there are certain areas that will be hit very hard. One such is the Hampton Roads area, which has already seen a fifteen inch rise in the Elizabeth River since 1927. Half of that is due to a sinking land phenomenon known as subsidence, but the other half is due to the higher water levels. As this increase continues more and more areas will be at risk.

Looking at the data collected, Norfolk will experience an increase in sea level by six point eight inches by 2030. This would cause the tidal flooding occurrences to change from nine a year to thirty nine. That number could rise as high as one hundred and eighty two by 2045. Other cities, such as Washington and Baltimore, would also experience this rise. By 2045 Washington could experience three hundred and thirty eight floods annually, while Baltimore could see a number as high as two hundred and twenty seven.

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