Malefecent’s Angelina Jolie talks protecting her kids and reveals she never wanted to be an actress

Malefecent’s Angelina Jolie talks protecting her kids and reveals she never wanted to be an actress

Angelina Jolie reveals that it took until her 30s to realize that she never wanted to be an actress.

Star of the recent, and highly anticipated, Malefecent film, Angelina Jolie, shares how she finds it difficult to protect her children from films and online videos with “drugs or nudity.”

Angelina Jolie says that she doesn’t want her kids to grow up too quickly, so she protects them from seeing these kinds of movies and materials from other media outlets.

This is an interesting, and perhaps ironic, statement from an actress with a record of starring in films that portray a ton of violence. Action movies like Lara Croft: Tomb Raider and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

She also shares how she never even wanted to be an actress in the first place, only pursuing the career after her mother wanted her to. She claims that she realized in her mid-30s that she didn’t really want to be an actress. That she wanted to be more involved with political and humanitarian issues.

This statement comes as no surprise to her fans who have followed her involvement in global humanitarian issues. Angelina Jolie became a well-known supporter of humanitarian issues after her experience in Cambodia filming the Lara Croft movie. She contacted the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and began visiting refugee camps around the world.

But her involvement in humanitarianism hardly stops there. She’s built schools and developed wildlife preserves to protect important animals like Asian elephants and other wildlife. She even funds a children’s health center that treats children with HIV and tuberculosis.

On the homefront, Jolie is involved in promoting humanitarian causes in Washington.

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