Flappy Bird 2 to be released in August with a new creator

Flappy Bird 2 to be released in August with a new creator

Fans of the original Flappy Bird will be relieved to hear that a sequel is going to released in August, but with a different creator.

According to Flappy Bird creator Dong Nguyen, Flappy Bird will return in August in a sequel, but it will be created by someone else and will be less addictive. Not only that, but Dong Nguyen is also working on a new game.

In an interview with CNBC he mentioned that the sequel to the popular mobile game would have multiplayer capabilities.

Despite this, a tweet that he posted read: “I am making a new game, so people can forget about Flappy Bird for a while.” He also included an image with the tweet that looks to have similar gameplay to Flappy Bird.

When Flappy Bird was launched last May, it gained huge amounts of popularity on both Apple’s App Store, and the Google Pay store for Android devices. In fact, at the height of its popularity, the app reportedly brought in as much as $50,000 in ad revenue to Nguyen each day.

While Flappy Bird 2 is highly anticipated, it is very unlikely that it will be as successful as Nguyen’s original. In an interview with TechNewsWorld, Lewis Ward, research director for gaming at IDC had this to say: “I am skeptical that it will really be able to replicate anything like the phenomenon it originally was. It’s like asking lightning to strike twice in the same place.”

It will also be hard for the Flappy Bird sequel to garner as much success as the original due to the fact that Flappy Bird will have been out of the picture for a number of months. While some may remain faithful to the company, the original Flappy Bird shows just how quickly games can rise and fall.

In any case, both the sequel to Flappy Bird and Dong Nguyen’s new game will be interesting. Only time will tell if they can garner as much success as Flappy Bird did this year.

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