Can we say it? I mean it’s just so obvious. Are we still trying to be PC and tip-toe around certain subjects? Or is it time to tell it like it is? I mean, that’s why Donald Trump is our president right? People are tired of suppression of thoughts/words in the name of political correctness […]
Can we say it? I mean it’s just so obvious. Are we still trying to be PC and tip-toe around certain subjects? Or is it time to tell it like it is? I mean, that’s why Donald Trump is our president right? People are tired of suppression of thoughts/words in the name of political correctness so… is it ok to use words like Obama, Muslim, and Sympathizer together? I would dare go so far to say he really is a Muslim but I know that is just so RADICAL and RACIST and IGNORANT that it just wouldn’t be right so let’s just say he is a Muslim sympathizer.
He has brought over 13,210 un-vetted Syrian refugees into this country. Where was this charity when ISIS was murdering Christians? where was the aid? Well they were Christians and not Muslims after all. Though Obama claims to be a Christian I have seen far more favoritism toward Muslims.
It was his administration that brought us the shady Iran deal. This deal in reality cut down the timeline to an Iranian nuclear bomb and enabled Iran to produce many more nuclear bombs than it at present can construct using enriched uranium and plutonium fuel.
He had a hand in recent UN proposals against Israel. There is an Egyptian paper published transcripts of meetings between top US and Palestinian officials. These transcripts support Israeli accusations that the Obama administration was behind the UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements.
And now we are releasing terrorist from GITMO. 179 prisoners have been released under Obama.
What I am most outraged about is that he has not been impeached. There is no logical reason for him to release these terrorists except that he sympathizes with their cause and knows they won’t be released under the coming administration and he wants to harm America. It’s wrong for him to release these prisoners but we are just letting him do it anyway. After all, what can we do right? We can take his power away right now before he does anything else against the interests of our safety and freedom.
From Trump’s tweets it looks like he backs Israel, will not tolerate Muslim favoritism, disapproves of the UN’s recent condemnations, and does not agree with these prisoner releases. I hope the first thing he does is review the files of all those released by Obama and hunts them down to re-capture those friends Obama released.