Will Frank Underwood step away from the presidency?
Netflix, the video entertainment distribution service, will produce and broadcast in 2016 a fourth season of House of Cards, its original political drama series starring the brilliant Kevin Spacey and cucumber-cool Robin Wright. The show’s official Twitter account posted the news on Thursday. “I will leave a legacy,” it said.
Kevin Spacey portrays Frank Underwood, a cold-blooded Washington politician who, by season three, had ascended from Congressman to arguably the most powerful job on Earth, President of the United States of America. Some have speculated that the ‘leave a legacy’ hashtag could mean Frank Underwood will be bowing out of the presidency.
Bristling with awards, the show debuted in 2013 as one of Netflix’s first attempts at original programming. In the face of global expansion and increasedAmerican competition, the on-demand streaming and DVD service is briskly ramping up funding of original programming. According to the self-described “boutique” media and telecommunications firm MoffettNathanson, the Los Gatos, California entertainment company is expected to almost double its spending on original programming this year to almost half a billion U.S. dollars.
An additional original drama series was announced by Netflix this week, “Montauk,” written and directed by the sibling team of Matt and Ross Duffer. The show is based around the mysterious disappearance of a young boy in Montauk, Long Island, New York.
Beyond drama, Netflix has also ordered With Bob and David, a sketch-comedy, with comic actors Bob Odenkirk (Better Call Saul) and David Cross (Arrested Development). The current order of just four half-hour episodes will follow two dishonorably discharged Navy Seals who have moved on to … sketch comedy. Odenkirk and Cross first collaborated on The Ben Stiller Show and, later, on Mr. Show With Bob and David, a sketch series from HBO. That show ran four years and, since then, the duo toured across six cities in 2013.