Jimmy Kimmel ties the knot

Jimmy Kimmel ties the knot

Kimmel ties the knot.

Talk show host Jimmy Kimmel married long-time girlfriend Molly McNearney in Ojai, California over the weekend.  The weekend-long celebration was attended by a number of Hollywood A-listers.

Kimmel and McNearney have been together since 2009 and have been engaged since August of 2012, when Kimmel proposed to McNearney while on vacation in South Africa. This marriage is Kimmel’s second and McNearney’s first.  Between a fairly long courtship for a celebrity couple and McNearney working as a co-writer for “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” perhaps their marriage will outlast the typical short-lived Hollywood nuptials.

During the ceremony, McNearney wore a strapless white wedding gown that was encrusted in diamonds, and Kimmel stood across from his bride in a traditional black tux. Per some photos that were released from the ceremony, McNearney’s bridal attendants donned black dresses.  After the ceremony finished, the guests went to the reception area to dance and eat.  According to an anonymous source, the newly-married couple’s first dance was to Ray LaMontagne’s “Let It Be Me,” which was performed by a live band.  The band also played selections from Black Eyed Peas and some jazz music.  In addition to a seven-course meal that included steak and fish, guests who hung around until midnight were treated to a variety of different foods from several food trucks.

The anonymous guest reported that everyone seemed really happy for the couple.  During the speeches McNearney’s sister made the following toast: “You’re the best people I know. May the years ahead be as kind to you as you are to all the people who love you.”  Kimmel’s brother also spoke and encouraged the couple to go out and make some babies.  Kimmel has two children from a previous marriage and McNearney has none, so far.

Even though Kimmel was the man of the hour, he wasn’t the biggest name at his own wedding. Some of his Hollywood friends showed up, including Jennifer Aniston, John Krasinksi, Ben Afleck, Ellen DeGeneres and Matt Damon.  Damon’s attendance at the wedding will please followers of the longstanding “feud” between Damon and Kimmel. Kimmel closed out his show with, “I want to apologize to Matt Damon. We ran out of time,” for years.  After a viral YouTube video Damon made with Kimmel’s then-girlfriend and Damon hijacking Kimmel’s show, perhaps Damon’s attendance will confirm that the “feud” was all in good fun for any doubters.

Kimmel isn’t the only big name to tie the knot over the weekend–Halle Berry married Oscar Martinez on Saturday.  The couple has been together since 2010 and are expecting a child together.

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