Wait until you see the photo.
Maxim has released their “Hot 100” list again and one entry on the list really stands out. The photo includes a bikini and a beach, something fairly typical among hot list photos, but no woman!
Manti Te’o is finding out that despite being drafted in the second round, 38th overall, to the San Diego Chargers and being a projected starter, he isn’t yet immune to the mocking that has followed the hoax he was involved in. The former Notre Dame linebacker and ESPN media darling is catching grief yet again because Maxim put his imaginary girlfriend at the number 69 spot on their “Hot 100” list. Former Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus topped the list.
Maxim included this picture with the following justification for including Te’o’s girlfriend: “After Manti Te’o’s fake girlfriend hoax of 2012, we think it might be nice to have an invisible girl of our own to love. Why not? She’s got a ton of great qualities, including looking awesome in a bikini.”
The invisible girlfriend hoax got started back in 2012 when Te’o told the media that both his grandmother and girlfriend died on September 11, 2012. Te’o said that his girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, struggled with leukemia only to die in a car accident. Many media outlets, including ESPN, were so in awe of Te’o being able to play so well despite such tragedy that Te’o was eventually named a Heisman finalist.
The truth came out about Te’o’s girlfriend in January, and even though Te’o previously said that he had met up with his girlfriend and that his family had met her, he claimed that they never met in person and that he was the victim of a catfishing scam. Making a bad story look worse, Te’o admitted to spending hours talking to the fake girlfriend on the phone, which was later revealed to be a guy. Many college football fans remain skeptical of his story, which dropped him from a potential first round draft pick to the second round.
Twitter users are having a field day with the story–comments have ranged from Te’o supporters saying what Maxim did was in bad taste to one user pointing out that the 31 women below the invisible girlfriend, including Zooey Deschanel, must feel pretty bad. Te’o hasn’t released a statement on his imaginary girlfriend making the hot list, but one can imagine that he won’t acknowledge it since he will be focusing on the Chargers training camp.
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