Is she going crazy?
When people travel to London, they typically have fond memories of seeing Big Ben, riding the London Eye or visiting Buckingham Palace. Not Miley Cyrus, though. Cyrus’s big memory of staying in London is living in a haunted apartment.
During an interview with Elle, Cyrus talked about some freakish things she witnessed that sounds like something out of a horror movie. Cyrus might be able to pitch her story to Disney for a Halloween special: Hannah Montana: The Haunting. Cyrus witnessed everything from strange noises to the water turning hot on its own to a little boy watching her take a shower.
Given the “Sex, Drugs & Rap” t-shirt she stirred controversy by wearing last week, some people might raise their eyebrows at Cyrus’s claims and think what she saw could be attributed to a drug-induced hallucination, but apparently her younger sister and other family members witnessed the paranormal activity as well.
Cyrus said that one night she heard her little sister scream from the shower. “I run in there and the water had somehow flipped to hot but it was still…It wasn’t like the water had just changed, the knob had turned but she hadn’t turned it and it was burning her. She was really red.”
While that is strange, it could be attributed to her sister accidentally brushing up against the knob, but Cyrus’s story of the boy watching her take a shower is sure to raise the hairs on people’s arms. “I could have sworn I could see this little boy sitting there on the sink, kicking his feet,” she said.
Long-time boyfriend Liam Hemsworth and Cyrus’s aunt also saw some strange thing at the apartment, which was formerly a bakery that had been renovated. Cyrus did a little research on the building and found out that the bakery was previously owned by a family and that the mom and father had both died. Cyrus thought that perhaps she was being haunted by the son.
Cyrus’s mom Trish was a little upset with her for talking about the haunting and doing research on the building because she was scared it would scare her younger brother Noah. But after Trish had a strange experience, the family left the apartment for good and checked into the Soho Hotel.
While Cyrus isn’t busy being visited by ghosts, she is working on her fourth studio album that will be release sometime in 2013.
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