Would you be willing to try Google Fiber?
The Texas Internet battle is heating up, according to CNET. In response to Google’s decision to bring Google Fiber to Austin, Texas, Time Warner Cable will “more aggressively” deploy a free Wi-Fi network across the city.
Writing in a blog post Thursday, Time Warner Cable’s digital communications director Jeff Simmermon said that the company is “ready to compete” with Google in an effort to bring more value to the area’s Internet subscribers.
According to Google Fiber’s “About” page, Google Fiber is 100 times faster than today’s average Internet, helping people access the information, videos, games or music they want faster than ever before.
While Google Fiber will be extremely fast, the cost may be prohibitive to some. The Statesman.com notes that in Kansas City, Missouri, the basic price for 1 gigabit Internet access is $70 per month. However, Internet access plus cable TV bumps the cost up to $120 a month. Google also has a basic package that is free for the first seven years after a $300 installation fee has been paid.
Regardless of the cost to users, Google Fiber is relatively inexpensive for a company that generates more than $4 billion in cash every quarter, reports Business Insider. Citing Berstein analyst Carlos Kirjner, Business Insider writes that Google’s total cash investment in Kansas City will probably be $94 million in 2013. The cost per household in Austin is expected to be similar to that of Kansas City. Check out Business Insider’s article for an excellent breakdown of the cost of bringing Google Fiber to a big city.
According to Simmermon, Time Warner Cable’s free Wi-Fi isn’t free for everybody. In order to use the company’s Wi-Fi network in Austin, a person must be a paying customer with Standard Internet access or better. However, Simmermon adds that non-subscribers can enjoy a free trial or pay $2.95 per hour for prepaid access to the Wi-Fi network.
Will other Internet service providers be able to compete with Google Fiber’s amazingly fast speed? If Google Fiber was headed to your area, would you be willing to try it? Who will win the Texas Wi-Fi battle? Share your thoughts in the comments section.
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