Futurama gets the boot.
Unfortunately for fans of the animated TV show Futurama, it looks like the show is getting canceled. Again.
Comedy Central announced on Monday that they would not be ordering further seasons of the series. The last episode of Futurama will air on September 4.
“Futurama” was created by Matt Groening (creator of The Simpsons) and is set in the 31st century. The story line focuses on a delivery guy who was frozen cryogenically in 1999 only to come back to life one thousand years later.
The show first aired on Fox from 1999-2003. Even though the show received a lot of critical acclaim during that time, Fox was unable to find a consistent day and time to air the show, so the network eventually stopped ordering episodes.
After Fox dropped the series, Comedy Central began showing repeats in 2005 and later released Futurama movies on DVD, which were eventually labeled as the show’s fifth season. After showing a full season of episodes from 2010-2011, Comedy Central aired the first half of the seventh season in 2012 and will run the second half of the season starting on June 19.
Despite the show’s spotty history as far as finding a permanent spot in a TV lineup goes, the show has always been well-received and has won an Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program twice, in 2002 and 2011.
As disappointing as finding out that your series has been canceled must be, producer David X. Cohen doesn’t seem to hold any grudges over the news–instead, he seems grateful that the show ran for so long. “I felt like we were already in the bonus round on these last couple of seasons, so I can’t say I was devastated by the news,” Cohen said.
After hearing about the show’s cancellation, some fans took to Twitter to voice their complaints over the news. “It’s an unjust world in which #Futurama gets cancelled twice when #TwoBrokeGirls hasn’t even been cancelled once,” lamented one user. While quite a few fans were upset over the cancellation, some fans were skeptical over whether this is really it for Futurama.
Even Groening seemed slightly skeptical about the show finally ending. “If this is indeed the end of Futurama, it’s a fantastic finish to a good, long run,” Groening said. It’s easy to see why Groening may hold on to a little hope that the show will keep running, but since the show has lost a lot of viewers over the years, it’s probably safe to say that Phillip J. Fry’s pizza delivering days are almost over.
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