A song raises questions.
It’s not uncommon for music artists to collaborate on songs, but you don’t often see the country and rap worlds collide as we did when Brad Paisley and LL Cool J worked together on the song “Accidental Racist.”
“Accidental Racist” is on Paisley’s new album “Wheelhouse,” which was released on April 9. Paisley says that what inspired him to pen the song was when he accidentally offended people by wearing a shirt that incorporated the Confederate flag. During an interview on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, Paisley told Ellen that he sees music as a means to and end when it comes to discussing issues of race.
In Paisley’s part of the song, he sings from the perspective of a white Southerner who wears the red flag on my chest and is a proud rebel son. His part of the song also talks about how he is proud of where he’s from, but not proud of everything that has been done, referring to slavery and oppression.
LL Cool J’s part of the song comes in the form of a response from the perspective of a black man who is from New York City and wears saggy pants. He sings about how there is more to him than meets the eye and that he would like to get to know the white man.
Even though Paisley and LL Cool J had good intentions with this song as they want to generate discussion on racism and encourage people to move forward, most of the feedback regarding the song hasn’t been positive. The song has received a lot of backlash via Twitter. One comment from comedian Patton Oswalt read, “I can’t wait for Brad Paisley & LL Cool J’s next single: ‘Whoopsy Daisy, Holocaust, My Bad.'” Other Twitter users called the song “racist” and “nauseating.”
Neither of the singers seem too bothered by the criticism. Both Paisley and LL Cool J said they expect listeners to be the final judges of the song. LL Cool J says that while he is understand why people are outraged by the song, he wants people to reconsider their opposition to the song.
Paisley is collaborating on a song with LL Cool J on an album the rapper is putting out next month, so it will be interesting to see if it generates half of the feedback of “Accidental Racist.”
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