"We apologize for this unintentional oversight and never intend to offend our guests," said Target via Twitter.
Target has got some “splainin” to do after the store called the color of a plus-sized dress “manatee gray.” According to the New York Daily News, the name of the color has since been altered to “gray.” The Daily News notes that the same dress in normal sizes was referred to as “dark heather gray.”
The “manatee gray” description made headlines when an irate shopper posted a screenshot of the labeling conflict on Tuesday.
“What the. Plus-sized women get ‘manatee gray’ while standard sizes are ‘dark heather grey,” shopper Susan Clemens tweeted.
To its credit, Target worked quickly to address the issue at hand. “We apologize for this unintentional oversight and never intend to offend our guests.” The store also said that they were working to fix the problem ASAP.
According to the Daily News, the shopper who posted the screenshot to Twitter was pleased with Target’s quick response to the “manatee gray” crisis.
The Daily Mail reports that the plus-sized dress has since been taken down from Target’s website so that the store can update the description to match that of the normal-size dresses.
Interestingly, this isn’t the first time that a major retail store and inappropriately labeled its clothing. According to The Huffington Post, Urban Outfitters called the color of a T-shirt “Obama/Black” in 2010.
Clothing stores in the U.S. are likely to feel increasingly pressured to display full-figured mannequins. Back in March, Swedish photographer Rebecka Silvekroon posted a photo of two full-figured mannequins in a clothing store in Sweden. The photo received more than one million “likes” after Women’s Rights News posted the photo to their Facebook page.
“They look like real women,” read the caption on the Women’s Rights News post.
Was it necessary for Target to apologize? Were you offended by their decision to label a plus-sized dress “manatee grey?” Will you continue to shop at Target? Have you seen examples of this type of labeling at other stores? Share your thoughts in the comments section.
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