Another Justin Bieber controversy.
What’s the latest in Justin Bieber controversy? It seems the teen idol just cannot seem to catch a break recently even when he’s clearly trying to be nice. Bieber has recently found himself under scrutiny for apparently groping a young female fan during a photo op.
However, the picture may not be all that it seems. The young woman in the photo who uses the Twitter handle JocelynnBieber made comments on the photo in her Twitter timeline. She makes light of the fact that it appears that Bieber is groping her in the photo.
While the young lady identified as Jocelyn feels the picture is all in good fun, the photo was deleted from Bieber’s fan site. Furthermore, the teen star’s people have not explained the unfortunate angle of the photo and what exactly happened when the picture was shot. His representatives are not talking and Jocelyn’s defense of the star actually does not make the issue any clearer. Still, there has been no indication that Bieber has been reprimanded in any way for the incident even though the questions continue.
The past few months have not seen Bieber at his best as scandal and controversy seem to plague him at every turn. The past December was especially tough as reports of him cheating on his girlfriend Selena Gomez while smoking marijuana practically became front page news. His “nice guy” image also took a hit earlier this month when Charlotte radio host Colette Harrington reported that the teen star not only refused her request for a photo but also openly mocked her and spit Gatorade into her water bottle.
To make matters worse, Bieber has also been accused by former bodyguard Moshe Benabou of assault and faces a lawsuit. In addition to seeking an unspecified amount in assault and battery damages, Benabou is also seeking more than $400,000 in overtime he says was not paid to him.
It was also reported earlier this month that a paparazzi member died while attempting to get the star’s photo when he was pulled over for a routine traffic stop. An oncoming vehicle hit the cameraman after he was told to back away as his attempting to take photos created an unsafe environment. A plot to kill the singer was also uncovered last month, but the obsessed fan never got the chance to carry out the assassination attempt although it was found he had an obsession with Bieber.
This year has definitely gotten off to a rocky start for Justin Bieber. The fan photo may only be the latest in the controversies he has faced over the past couple of weeks, but at least this latest trip into the world of scandal is pretty mild.
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