Robin Roberts announces her return to "Good Morning America."
The latest Robin Roberts update: The “Good Morning America” host is “coming home” to the “GMA” set for a “dry run.” In a live interview on Monday, Roberts announced that she will probably be returning to “GMA” sometime next month.
Roberts took a leave of absence from “GMA” on August 30 to undergo a bone marrow transplant for treatment of a rare disorder called myelodysplastic syndrome, also known as MDS.
Although she did not give a specific date for her return, Roberts said that her latest bone marrow tests revealed no abnormalities. Next week, the “GMA” host will return to the “GMA” set for a “dry run” that will giver her doctors some crucial information about her body’s ability to deal with the stresses of being a TV anchor.
“I’ll get up, go to the studio. I’ll have makeup and hair,” the anchor said in a live interview from her New York City apartment. “Well, makeup. We’ll talk about the hair later.”
The dry run will help Roberts and her doctors see how her skin reacts to the studio lights, according to Entertainment Weekly.
If everything goes as planned, adds Roberts, “my doctors will sit down with me again and we’ll evaluate where I am. We’re talking now weeks, not months. I should be back sometime in February.”
Last Wednesday, the “GMA” host wrote the following update on her Facebook page:
“Wonderful Wednesday … I received very encouraging news from my doctors. They are extremely pleased with my recovery. I am getting stronger every day. I’m humbled by the speculation of my return to GMA. My family and I are grateful that GMA/ABC’s only concern is my full recovery. It’s a great comfort not to feel pressured and a BLESSING to know I have a job waiting for me. Unfortunately not everyone in my situation can say that. Let’s keep them in our thoughts and prayers. In the coming days on GMA we will give you details about my return. I’m so excited! Thank you for your patience and continued prayers. ‘All will be serene in 2013′ XO.”
The “GMA” host’s Twitter page has also included the following Robin Roberts updates:
“Miracle Monday. No froggy slippers needed this morning. Wide awake and looking forward to seeing you soon on @GMA,” Roberts tweeted Monday morning.
“Watching my friends on @GMA is great way to start my day. Once again I’ll have what @LaraSpencer is having this morn! See you VERY soon,” she tweeted last Wednesday.

Roberts’ live update interview can be watched here.
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