Katie Holmes shows Letterman her reaction to forgetting her lines on Broadway.
Katie Holmes, who split from actor Tom Cruise in 2012, stopped by “The Late Show with David Letterman” to talk about her reaction to forgetting her lines on Broadway.
“A couple weeks ago I had the moment that I’ve been dreading,” Ms. Holmes told Letterman on Thursday night. “I have this kind of big speech in the second act, and it’s pretty important because it kind of goes along with the theme of the show. I said the first line — and I’m looking at Judy Greer and I’m supposed to be angry at her — and then the second line I didn’t remember. And I didn’t remember the third one.”
“I just looked at her like, ah!” Ms. Holmes said while reenacting the look on her face that she had at the time.
The actress said she had to make up the rest of her speech. Fortunately, she noted, she was able to remember the gist of the speech.
“Obviously, I know what the point of it is. So, I kind of made my way there,” she said.
“It felt like a good hour” before she knew her lines again.
Watch Ms. Holmes explain her reaction to forgetting her lines on Broadway to Letterman here.
Back in October, during an appearance at The Greene Space in Manhattan to discuss “Dead Accounts,” Ms. Holmes said that her favorite part about her new acting role was the yelling.
“Finally I get to yell!” Ms. Holmes said, according to omg!. “What I really loved about this character was she’s strong underneath it all. I like her values, I like that she’s trying to figure it all out and really cares for her family.”
According to deadaccountsonbroadway.com, “Dead Accounts” is a new comedy from Pulitzer Prize finalist Theresa Rebeck, directed by three-time tony winner Jack O’Brien. “Dead Accounts” is the story of a brother, a sister, and a surprise reunion that is complicated by a $27 million secret.
Ms. Holmes first achieved notoriety for her role as Joey Potter on the teen drama “Dawson’s Creek.”

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