Ke$ha is slammed for controversial "Die Young" lyrics.
This article was updated at 6:30 a.m. with Ke$ha’s “Die Young” music video.
In the wake of the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Conneticut, in which 20 children and six adults were shot to death, several radio stations across the country are more carefully selecting the music that they put on the air. Included in the songs that some radio stations are no longer playing is Ke$ha’s “Die Young.”
“We’ve been playing it before Friday but not since, and I think we’re now done with it,” Rich Minor, program director and morning host at WDAQ-FM Danbury, Conneticut, told Billboard. “Even though it’s a fun pop/dance record about seizing the moment, all people are going to hear right now is those two words in the title.”
As a community and a nation grieve the loss of 20 innocent young lives and 6 adults who died trying to protect their students, radio stations are trying to help their communities grieve by being a forum for listeners to express their feelings.
“We’re letting people grieve,” Mr. Minor said. “It’s just me in mornings and Nate Mumford in afternoons during the week, so on Friday, we were just trying to get information out. Since then, we’re airing more calls. We’ve suspended all uptempo music beds under our talk breaks, as well as giveaways and gossip for now.”
On Tuesday, Ke$ha responded to the controversy surrounding her song.
“I understand,” Ke$ha tweeted. “I had my very own issue with ‘die young’ for this reason. I did not want to sing those lyrics and I was forced to. I’m so so so sorry for anyone who has been effected by this tragedy and I understand why my song is now inappropriate. Words cannot express.”
When Ke$ha first released “Die Young,” she told Carson Daly that it was a “celebration song.”
“It’s kind of an anthem,” the singer said. “It’s a celebration song, which I’m obviously known for writing those, but this one, the concept of it was to live each and every single day like it’s your last and to always remain having a youthful spirit no matter how old I get.”
While Ke$ha’s “Die Young” may be a “celebration song,” the lyrics are certainly no celebration to those impacted by the tragedy at Sandy Hooke Elementary. Although Americans have had to grieve the loss of other innocent lives in 2012 due to mass shootings (Aurora, Colorado, the Oregon mall shooting and several others), the shooting in Newtown, Conneticut, is particularly disturbing because school’s are suppose to be safe areas for kids.
“Hear your heart beat to the beat of the drums,” the first line of Ke$ha’s “Die Young” reads. “Oh what a shame that you came here with someone. So while you’re here in my arms. Let’s make the most of the night like we’re gonna die young.”

Ke$ha’s “Die Young” is currently No. 1 on Billboard’s Pop Songs chart. While The Hollywood Reporter notes that the song dropped from No. 1 to No. 2 this week with a 11 percent decrease in plays, “Die Young” was probably propelled back into the top spot because of the controversy.
According to The Hollywood Reporter, several hours after tweeting that she “did not want to sing” the “Die Young” lyrics but that she was “forced to” sing them, Ke$ha deleted that part of her apology but kept the part that apologized to the victims of the Newtown shooting.
Update: An interview that the “Tik Tok” singer gave to 95.5 WPLJ in November has surfaced in which Ke$ha contradicts her claim form earlier this week that she was “forced” to sing “Die Young.”
“I definitely make sure that every word rings true to me because I would never want to misrepresent myself to millions of people around the world […] I wrote and rewrote and rewrote that song ten times,” Ke$ha told the radio station.
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