Obama does some Christmas shopping at an Arlington, VA bookstore.
President Barack Obama took some time out of his busy schedule to promote “Small Business Saturday.” The president and his daughters visited One More Page Books (an independently owned bookstore) in Arlington, VA Saturday, according to a White House pool report.
Mr. Obama bought 15 children’s books during his visit to be given as gifts to family members for Christmas. “Preparation,” he told shop owner Eileen McGervey when asked how he was able to purchase books without browsing the shop’s selection first, according to the report. “That’s how I shop.”
President Obama and the White House are urging Americans to take part in “Small Business Saturday.” According to the official Facebook page of “Small Business Saturday” (which has more than 3.2 million likes), participants in this special retail day visit non-franchise shops and restaurants or buy gifts from independently owned stores online.
“From the mom-and-pop storefront shops that anchor Main Street to the high-tech startups that keep America on the cutting edge, small businesses are the backbone of our economy and the cornerstones of our nation’s promise,” Mr. Obama said in a statement on Black Friday. “Through events such as Small Business Saturday, we keep our local economies strong and help maintain an American economy that can compete and win in the 21st century.”
According to the Hill, Mr. Obama shopped at Kramerbooks & Afterwards Café in Dupont Circle last year.
“It’s great to find the perfect gift from a small business,” Small Business Administration administrator Karen Mills wrote in a blog post on the White House website. “Often, when you carry it to the counter, you can see the business owner’s eyes light up. They tell a story about how that gift was made. Or where it came from. Or how it’s a one-of-a-kind. And the gift immediately becomes even more meaningful and special. Moments like that are what makes the holidays magical.”
Mr. Obama and the White House believe there are a lot of benefits to shopping at small businesses.
“By shopping small, we can help America’s small businesses do what they do best: grow their businesses, create good jobs, and ensure that our communities are vibrant,” Ms. Mills wrote in a blog post on SBA.gov.
“Small Business Saturday” is seen as an alternative to Black Friday. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving when retailers all over the United States open their doors early and offer amazing discounts so that you’ll buy more than what you planned on buying. Retailers are often criticized for opening their doors too early on Black Friday (sometimes as early as Thanksgiving night).
While strong Black Friday sales are crucial to the success of chain stores and restaurants, “Small Business Saturday” is one way to support small stores that can’t normally compete with the ability of larger businesses to slash prices.
“Saturday, Nov 24 is Small Business Saturday — Show your support by shopping small: wh.gov/XG6I #SmallBizSat,” White House Press Secretary Jay Carney tweeted Friday.

The federal government promoted “Small Business Saturday” by offering free marketing materials for the event. The government also partnered with American Express to promote the event on social media and other online platforms.
Check out a picture of the president and his daughters shopping at One More Page Books here.
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