Gun shop owner takes out full-page ad warning Obama voters to take their business elsewhere.
Cope Reynolds, a Gun shop owner in Arizona, is upset about the results of the 2012 presidential election. To protest President Barack Obama’s defeat of former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, Mr. Reynolds took out a full-page ad in the White Mountain Independent warning Obama voters to take their business elsewhere.
“If you voted for Barack Obama you business is NOT WELCOME at Southwest Shooting Authority,” the ad reads. “You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm.”
In a telephone interview with The Huffington Post Friday, Mr. Reynolds insisted that the ad has “little to do with gun control.” Whether or not the ad has anything to do with gun control, the gun shop owner felt it was worth spending about $250 to protest the results of the presidential election.
According to Mr. Reynolds, the decision to take out the full-page ad in his local newspaper was made necessary because of the fears he and other gun rights advocates have about a Democratic president being reelected to the Oval Office.
“It is about the direction that this country is going and the direction it’s been going for the last four years, and I feel like the people that voted for him are by and large the ones that are on the many entitlements and free stuff that they’ve been getting,” he said.
“If someone really believes that this country can get any stronger and do any better under the leadership of Barack Obama, then I don’t feel like they’re responsible enough to own a gun.”
According to Gawker, Mr. Reynolds is taking the risk that expressing his views and alienating 736 potential customers will pay off in the end. Perhaps other gun rights advocates will flock to his store in Pinetop, Arizona.
It’s no secret that President Obama’s reelection led to an increase in gun sales. Mr. Reynolds and those who share similar opinions fear that a Democratic president will support tighter regulations on firearms, including those that could be classified as assault weapons. Mr. Reynolds, however, already appears to be benefiting from Mr. Obama’s reelection as the gun shop owner told The Huffington Post that he has seen an increase in gun sales since November 6.
“For the most part, he has already,” Mr. Reynolds said when questioned about the likelihood that Mr. Obama will support new gun control legislation. “There are a lot of people who feel like he’s going to take the guns away and rightfully so. I think that he will. I think that our rights will be infringed upon in a big way and very soon.”
While Mr. Obama supported the permanent reinstatement of the expired assault weapons ban during his first campaign for president, his administration has done little to address this issue since the former Illinois senator entered office.
President Obama’s second term, however, may change that fact as he indicated when asked about the availability of assault weapons at a presidential debate in October.

“I also share your belief that weapons that were designed for soldiers in war theaters don’t belong on our streets,” the president said. “And so what I’m trying to do is to get a broader conversation about how do we reduce the violence generally.”
Only time will tell whether a “broader conversation” about reducing gun violence leads to new gun control legislation. Mr. Reynolds, with all likelihood, will be listening with baited breath.
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