Reality TV star Kim Kardashian slammed for pro-Israel tweet.
Kim Kardashian, star of “Keeping Up With the Kardashians,” is being severely criticized on the internet for a pro-Israel tweet. “Praying for everyone in Israel,” Ms. Kardashian tweeted Friday morning.
Normally, her tweet may have fallen on deaf ears or sparked little more than a passing mention in the day’s entertainment blogs. Ms. Kardashian’s pro-Israel tweet, however, fell on sensitive ears given the fact that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has heated up in recent days.
After the assassination of a key Hamas leader, Gaza militants fired rockets into Israel, prompting several Israeli air strikes. To prepare for the possibility of a ground assault on the Gaza Strip, Israel has amassed thousands of troops on the border. According to Haaretz, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told world leaders over the weekend that Israel will launch a ground operation in Gaza if Hamas continues to fire rockets at Israel.
Reactions to Ms. Kardashian’s pro-Israel tweet were harsh. “Further enhancing your reputation as a dumb porn star,” one Twitter user wrote. “You know nothing about #Humanity Die in HELL !” another Twitter user wrote.
According to Twitchy, the reactions to Ms. Kardashian’s pro-Israel tweet were so upsetting to the reality TV star that she eventually tweeted a follow up: “And praying for everyone in Palestine and across the world!.” The news outlet reports, however, that Ms. Kardashian has deleted both the original and follow up tweets from her account.
Ms. Kardashian responded to the firestorm of criticism over her pro-Israel tweet on her personal blog, posting an entry entitled “A Message to You Guys.”
“I want to own up to and explain that earlier today I sent out two tweets about saying prayers for the people in Palestine and Israel and after hearing from my followers, I decided to take down the tweets because I realized that some people were offended and hurt by what I said, and for that I apologize,” the reality TV star wrote. “I should have pointed out my intentions behind these tweets when I posted them. The fact is that regardless of religion and political beliefs, there are countless innocent people involved who didn’t choose this, and I pray for all of them and also for a resolution. I also pray for all the other people around the world who are caught in similar crossfires.”
Numerous celebrities have felt the wrath of their fan base after using Twitter to espouse controversial ideas or support controversial figures. While the First Amendment gives Ms. Kardashian the right to express her own opinions, she must also realize that some of her nearly 17 million followers are bound to take offense to any opinion she expresses no matter what side of the issue she supports.
Take, for example, American Idol winner Kelly Clarkson. Ms. Clarkson was bashed for endorsing former Republican presidential candidate and Texas Congressman Ron Paul in December of last year.
“I am really sorry if I have offended anyone. Obviously that was not my intent. I do not support racism. I support gay rights, straight rights, women’s rights, men’s rights, white/black/purple/orange rights,” Ms. Clarkson tweeted after being accused of racism and homophobia.
To be fair, Mr. Paul under fire after the media re-energized criticism of a series of racist newsletters that were published under the Texas Republican’s name in the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Ms. Kardashian and Ms. Clarkson aren’t the only ones to find themselves in hot water due to their tweets. CNN analyst Roland Martin was suspended by the network for a series of tweets about the Super Bowl.
“If a dude at your Super Bowl party is hyped about David Beckham’s H&M underwear ad,” Mr. Martin tweeted, “smack the ish out of him!”
CNN called the analyst’s tweets “regrettable and offensive.”
The fact that Ms. Kardashian tweeted about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one of the most controversial topics in politics, only made matters worse for the reality TV star. Judging by her “apology” post, Ms. Kardashian is likely to think twice before tweeting about such a controversial topic in the future.
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