A petition urges Macy's to sever its ties with Donald Trump.
The “Dump Donald Trump” petition has reach 570,000 signatures and continues to add more. The petition, which is posted on SignOn.org, urges the second-largest U.S. department-store chain to sever ties with business mogul Donald Trump.
“Macy’s: Donald Trump does not reflect the ‘magic of Macy’s.’ We urge you to sever ties with him. Macy’s says it has a strong obligation to be ‘socially responsible’ and that ‘actions speak louder than words.’ Indeed. It’s time to act,” the “Dump Donald Trump” petition reads.
The “Dump Donald Trump” petition’s popularity was fueled by the New York real estate mogul’s anti-Obama rant on Twitter last week. Reacting to the presidential election results, specifically President Obama’s defeat of Governor Mitt Romney, he called for a “revolution” and referred to the election as a “shame” and a “travesty.”
“We can’t let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!” Mr. Trump tweeted.
The star of “The Apprentice,” however, seems unconcerned about his status with Macy’s. In fact, the billionaire already has lawyers working to defend his rights to free speech under the First Amendment.
“What I find incredulous is that the creator of the petition is protecting his First Amendment right to free speech while simultaneously trying to impede upon Mr. Trump’s,” Michael Cohen, executive vice president and special counsel to Trump, told Celebuzz. “It’s ironic.”
Mr. Trump has also indicated how seriously he takes the “Dump Donald Trump” petition, turning to Twitter to express his amusement.
“My fragrance — “Success” — is flying off the shelves @Macys The perfect Christmas gift!” Mr. Trump tweeted early Tuesday.
Cher has voiced her support for the “Dump Donald Trump” petition, tweeting to more than one million followers that she plans on never going to the department-store chain again. “I’ll never go to May’s again! I didn’t know they sold Donald Trump’s line! If they don’t care that they sell products from a loudmouth racist cretin,” Cher tweeted.
Macy’s, in the meantime, has released a statement distancing itself from Mr. Trump’s anti-Obama rant, without referring to the business mogul by name.
“Many of the individuals associated with products sold at Macy’s — or at any retailer, for that matter — express personal opinions that are not related to the merchandise we sell or to the philosophies of our company,” the company said.

Will the “Dump Donald Trump” petition reach 1,000,000 signatures? Does Mr. Trump, under the First Amendment, have the right to say what he wants to say on Twitter without risking his business relationships? Sound off in the comments section.
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