Donald Trump, Alec Baldwin react to presidential election results.
President Barack Obama is the winner of the 2012 presidential election. Although the race in Florida is still too close to call (with less than 100,000 votes separating the two candidates), President Obama hauled in 303 electoral votes to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s 206 (29 electoral votes are up for grabs in the Sunshine State). Shortly after learning of the presidential election results, celebrities took to Twitter to react to Mr. Obama’s election victory.
While many celebrities waited until the presidential election results were finalized, New York real estate mogul Donald Trump slammed President Barack Obama and the electoral college well before the president gave his victory speech in Chicago.
“We can’t let this happen. We should march on Washington and stop this travesty. Our nation is totally divided!” Mr. Trump tweeted Tuesday evening. “The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy,” he tweeted later.
“Donald Trump just called for a Revolution. Doesn’t like democracy I guess,” Mark Ruffalo (who played the Hulk in “The Avengers”) tweeted in response to the billionaire’s anti-Obama rant.
“@realdonaldtrump. You trust the voters when they choose The Apprentice. But not now?” frequent SNL host Alec Baldwin asked Mr. Trump.
“Hey Trump, did you see Mitt Romney’s concession speech? That’s what graciousness and good hair looks like,” “Modern Family” executive producer Steve Levitan also asked the reality TV star.
While a number of celebrities feuded with Mr. Trump over his reaction to the presidential election results, other celebrities congratulated the president for his victory.
“Couldn’t be more Proud of my Country … Congratulations Mr. President!!! Now let’s get back to being ‘These United States of America’!!!” Queen Latifah tweeted.
“INCREDIBLE SPEECH!!!!!! Watching in a room full of diverse people-all truly moved. Thank you America for President Obama-4more yrs,” Mariah Carey added.
“The empire state building shines blue tonight,” Arianna Huffington (the founder of The Huffington Post) tweeted.
Romney supporters, on the other hand, were noticeably quite on Twitter. A few, however, used the social media platform to react to the presidential election results.

“Goodluk America u just voted for economic & spiritual suicide. Soulless fools,” Romney supporter Ted Nugent tweeted.
“Congratulations to President Obama on another 4. I hope you can follow through with your promises and help this drowning country,” former adult film star Jenna Jameson tweeted.
President Obama’s post-victory tweet, “four more years,” became the most retweeted post in Twitter history as of Wednesday morning, according to Citytv.
A map of the presidential election results reveals where the president had success and where his Republican challenger came out on top. Unfortunately for Mr. Romney, the president secured a number of key victories in swing states. While states like Ohio and Virginia were hotly contested, the president ultimately saw success in those states because of the strength of his ground game. No Republican in modern times has ever won the White House without winning the Buckeye State.
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