A 22-second YouTube video features a four-year-old girl who is fed up with the presidential election.
Chances are that you aren’t the only one who is tired of the 2012 presidential election. If you’ve spent any time at all watching TV in the last few months, you’ve likely been inundated with political ads telling you why one candidate is fit to lead and the other is a danger to the American way of life. Even if you’re sick of the 2012 presidential election, chances are that you’re not as tired of it as a four-year-old girl named Abigael Evans.
In 22-second video posted YouTube by the girl’s mother, Elizabeth Evans, the four-year-old girl is seen crying because she’s tired of “Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney.”
“That’s why you’re crying?” Ms. Evans asks her daughter.
After Abby confirms that this is the reason, Ms. Evans adds, “The election will be over soon, okay?”
“Okay,” Abby says.
ABC News reports that Abby lost control of her emotions while listening to NPR.
“I just picked her up from daycare so she was grumpy after a long day and we were driving to the grocery store listening to NPR,” Ms. Evans told ABC News. “And I wasn’t really listening and when I was getting her out of the car, she started saying that she was tired of Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney.”
In a viral video of Abby, the four-year-old is clearly upset about the whole experience.
“We don’t watch TV or anything in our house, so even just listening to radio and hearing people talk about politics was all she could handle,” Ms. Evans adds.
Even though Abby doesn’t watch TV at home, she’s surprisingly knowledgeable about the 2012 presidential election.
“She talks about Mitt Romney and Barack Obama all the time,” Ms. Evans posits. “She always says that Obama is the president and that Mitt Romney is a bad guy who just wants money and wants to be the president.”

In an effort to console Abby, NPR has released an apology:
“On behalf of NPR and all other news outlets, we apologize to Abigael and all the many others who probably feel like her. We must confess, the campaign’s gone on long enough for us, too. Let’s just keep telling ourselves: ‘Only a few more days, only a few more days, only a few more days,'” NPR’s Mark Memmott writes.
Abby isn’t the only one who finds the 2012 presidential election exhausting. According to a Pew Research Center for the People & the Press survey, 67 percent of all voters say they expect to find the campaign tiring. The survey, released in July, also found that 63 percent of all voters say they expect the race to annoy them. The poll shows that similar expectations are shared between Republicans, Independents and Democrats.
While Abby may feel like she’s the only one who just can’t handle “Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney” for one second longer, there’s at least one survey that suggests that the majority of Americans feel this way too at this stage in the 2012 presidential election. Perhaps Abby’s emotional plea to her mother is a sign that the candidates’ negative attack ads have gone too far.
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