"The Avengers" director Joss Whedon slams Mitt Romney in a video posted to YouTube Sunday.
Hollywood director Joss Whedon has slammed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in a video posted to YouTube Sunday. “The Avengers” director compares voting for Governor Romney to a vote for the zombie apocalypse.
“Like a lot of liberal Americans,” Mr. Whedon says, “I was excited when Barack Obama took office four years ago. But it’s a very different world now, and Mitt Romney is a very different candidate, one with the vision and determination to cut through business-as-usual politics and finally put this country back on the path to the zombie apocalypse.”
Mr. Whedon’s video, which has received nearly 1.5 million views on YouTube, is a hit on social media sites. The director uses his vast imagination to paint a frightening picture of what the world would look like if Governor Romney is elected president.
The creator of “Buff the Vampire Slayer” says that a Romney presidency is a nation in which “the one percent will no longer be the very rich, it’ll be the very fast.”
“Romney is ready to make the deep rollbacks in healthcare, education, social services, reproductive rights that will guarantee poverty, unemployment, overpopulation, disease, rioting,” Mr. Whedon notes, “all crucial elements in creating a nightmare zombie wasteland.”
Mr. Whedon’s video isn’t the first pro-Obama political video from a Hollywood star to go viral this week. Lena Dunham, creator of HBO’s show “Girls,” recently released a video in which she compares voting to losing her virginity.
“Your first time shouldn’t be with just anybody,” says Ms. Dunham. “You wanna do it with a great guy … Someone who really cares about and understands women.”
Ms. Dunham’s ad sparked comparisons to a “first time voting” joke that former President Ronald Reagan made 32 years before the “Girls” creator did.
“I know what it’s like to pull the Republican lever for the first time, because I used to be a Democrat myself, and I can tell you it only hurts for a minute and then it feels just great,” Mr. Reagan said in 1980 at a working class bar in Bayonne, New Jersey, as reported by The Washington Post.
Not surprisingly, Mr. Whedon is an Obama supporter. USA Today reports that the filmmaker donated to the Obama campaign in September. Mr. Whedon’s donation contributed to the $82.4 million that the Obama Victory Fund brought in last month.
President Obama has a number of Hollywood’s elite actors and directors on his side. Actors George Clooney and Sarah Jessica Parker have helped Mr. Obama fill his campaign coffers, hosting fundraisers at their respective homes. The president’s Hollywood connection has been well worth it too. The fundraiser at Mr. Clooney’s house, for example, made the Obama campaign $15 million richer.

Despite Mr. Whedon’s distaste for the idea of a Romney presidency, Mr. Romney has his friends in Hollywood too. Legendary filmmaker and actor Clint Eastwood endorsed Governor Romney at a high-dollar fundraiser in Idaho and later amused fans and critics alike with his “empty chair” speech at the Republican National Convention.
In addition to an endorsement from Mr. Eastwood, the Michigan native has also been endorsed by former adult film star Jenna Jameson, music legend Ted Nugent, KISS frontman Gene Simmons and New York real estate mogul Donald Trump.
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