Schwarzenegger will reportedly reprise his role as Conan in "Legend of Conan."
Former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will reportedly return to the big screen in “Legend of Conan.” Mr. Schwarzenegger’s role as Robert E. Howard’s mythic barbarian launched his film career back in 1982.
“I always loved the Conan character, and I’m honored to be asked to step into the role once again,” the former Austrian body-builder said in a statement, obtained by Reuters.
According to Deadline, “Legend of Conan” will be produced by Fredrik Malmberg and Chris Morgan. Mr. Malmberg is the CEO of the company that holds the rights to Conan and Mr. Morgan is the writer and producer whose movie credits include the last four Fast and The Furious movies.
“The original ended with Arnold on the throne as a seasoned warrior, and this is the take of the film we will make,” Mr. Malmberg told Deadline. “It’s that Nordic Viking mythic guy who has played the role of king, warrior, soldier and mercenary, and who has bedded more women than anyone, nearing the last cycle of his life. He knows he’ll be going to Valhalla, and wants to go out with a good battle.”
Despite Mr. Schwarzenegger’s legendary status as an action hero, there are some concerns that the Austrian body-builders 65-year-old body may not be as capable as it once was.
“While hardly a little old man, the 65-year-old is most not the bodybuilder who put Hollywood in a headlock four decades ago,” writes Hero Complex’s Chris Lee. “That perception will focus debate about his latest movie: Are multiplex audiences really clamoring for a barbarian who qualifies for AARP rates?”
Although public opinion of the former California governor may have plummeted when it was reported that he fathered a child out-of-wedlock with a member of his household staff, Mr. Schwarzenegger movie star status doesn’t seem to be diminishing.
The Hollywood actor is set to appear in five other films, including “Ten” and “Triplets,” a sequel to his 1988 comedy “Twins” with co-star Danny DeVito. Mr. Schwarzenegger also appeared in this summer’s “The Expendables 2.”
Prepping for his return as a barbarian in “Legend of Conan” isn’t the only thing that Mr. Schwarzenegger has been up to since leaving office. The “governator” launched the the USC Schwarzenegger Institute for State and Global Policy at the University of Southern California in September. Mr. Schwarzenegger and others, who have committed $20 million to the institute, hope to tackle issues such as hunger, health care and global warming.
Mr. Schwarzenegger also recently released a new book, “Total Recall – My Unbelievevably True Life Story.” The autobiography explores his political career and the impact of two high-profile affairs on his wife, Maria Shriver.
One thing is certain, whether Mr. Schwarzenegger’s return to the role that launched his film career is a bust or a success, the former body builder will forever be an action hero legend.

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