Researchers bought and tested 101 breast milk samples sold by women on one popular site.
Herpes study confirms ‘out-of-Africa’ pattern of human migration
The researchers utilized high-capacity genetic sequencing and complex bioinformatics to examine the gigantic quantity of data from the 31 genomes.
Google adds quantum physics to Minecraft
Google is looking to enhance that penchant for creativity and ingenuity within the Minecraft world.
Major internet outage plagued east coast over the weekend
The biggest part of the problem wasn’t the initial outage, however, but the amount of time it took Level 3 to fix the problem.
Photo of still-intact comet ISON tests disintegration forecasts
The photo was constructed using two filters.
Second rare ‘sea serpent’ washes up in California in less than a week: report
The oarfish has zero commercial value because of its deep water residence and poor quality of meat.
Tanning gene linked to increased risk of testicular cancer, researchers say
This research is the result of an integrated analysis of data supported by laboratory research.
PS3 sales better than Xbox 360’s for the first time in 32 months
The boost in sales came largely from a promotional bundle that Sony scored with the blockbuster release of Grand Theft Auto V.
Google CEO Larry Page won’t speak on future earnings calls
He revealed that other Google figureheads will be taking charge with Wall Street communications in the future.
Report: Netflix pursues deals with cable TV operators
The negotiations between Netflix and the various cable companies are still in the early stages.