Today, there are 382 million people living with diabetes.
Report: car mechanic’s invention may become next vaginal delivery aid
The Odón Device has won research grants from the United States Agency for International Development and from Grand Challenges Canada.
Quantum world record SMASHED: researchers
In the experiment quantum bits of data, “qubits,” were put into a “superposition” state in which they can be both 1s and 0s at the same time.
This is what a record-breaking pit crew looks like [VIDEO]
New heart guidelines could have far more Americans taking statin drugs for cholesterol
The new cholesterol treatment guidelines depart from the traditional method of using cholesterol, specifically LDL or “bad” cholesterol, to determine who needs pharmaceutical intervention.
Contents of SUPERFAST black hole jets revealed
The astronomers utilized the European’s Space Agency’s XMM-Newton satellite to spot X-ray emission from the black hole.
Scientists create another invisibility cloak
Teens more likely to fight than flee, study finds
Even though the fight or flight response is automatic, it is not always accurate about the existence of a threat.
People with depression may age faster, study finds
The research reveals that depressed people are biologically a few years older than their healthy peers.