In the past, the FDA tried to prevent Burzynski from prescribing unapproved drugs.
Google Earth helps produce SHOCKING high-resolution map of forest cover change
Working with a research team from the University of Maryland, Google lent its significant Google Earth data to help develop a map charting global forest loss over the past decade or so.
Van Damme shows off EPIC split between two moving Volvo semi trucks [VIDEO]
The video has almost 14 million views on YouTube.
Jean Claude Van Damme does RIDICULOUS split in new Volvo ad [VIDEO]
What do you think of Van Damme’s split?
Scientists KILL world’s oldest animal…accidentally
The researchers believe that clams as old or older may live in Icelandic waters given their excellent conditions for a long life.
58,000 generations of bacteria NEVER achieve perfection
Researchers have long known that organisms continue to develop if the environment continues altering, but they’ve previously believed that alteration would eventually stop if the environment remained the same.
Hookahs, e-cigarettes rise in popularity among teenagers
E-cigarettes provide doses of nicotine and other additives in an aerosol form, without smoke.
Researchers develop shapeshifting display
A demonstration video of the InFORM technology shows one of the members of MIT’s Tangible Media team manipulating the 3D display via video conference.
Microsoft to battle internet criminals with new Cybercrime Center
the new division will go against all manner of internet technology-based crimes, from the spread of Malware to the proliferation of botnets, and from intellectual property theft to online child abuse.
E-cigarettes and hookahs gaining traction among middle, high school kids: study
Smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death and disease in the U.S.