An aggressive African freshwater tigerfish can be seen jumping out of water to prey upon a swallow in flight.
Beyoncé declares gender equality a myth, offers solution
The iconic singer contributed an essay discussing gender equality to Maria Shriver’s collection of essays known as “The Shriver Report.”
Ancient Tiktaalik roseae fossil find solves evolutionary gap
Fossils from Tiktaalik roseae shed light on fin-to-limb evolution.
Shia LaBeouf regrets lashing out at Jim Carrey after Golden Globes jab
The Tweets of Shia return
E! apologizes to Michael J. Fox for inappropriate ‘fun fact’
E! regrets mislabeling an infographic about the actor’s Parkinson’s disease diagnosis
Golden Globes: Woody Allen receives harsh criticism from Mia Farrow and son Ronan
The pair tweets scathing remarks
Swedish doctors perform nine womb transplants, will soon transplant embryos
There have been two previous attempts at this course of action, one in Saudi Arabia and one in Turkey, but neither was successful in producing a baby.
‘Nutcracker Man’ dined mainly on tiger nuts two million years ago, researchers say
The importance of tiger nuts in the diet of ‘Nutcracker Man’, one of our early human ancestors, has been confirmed by a new Oxford University study.
Third-party developer dishes on Nintendo’s Wii U shortcomings
One problem for the Wii U – and for Nintendo in general over the years – has been its dearth of third-party gaming titles.
Mac Pro returns to Europe after brief absence
European buyers will be able to start getting their hands on Apple’s latest computer beginning on Tuesday, January 14th.