Hill took the SAG minimum as payment for his work in the film.
New season of ‘Survivor’: beauty, brains and brawn
Which team do you think will win?
Beleaguered quarterback Vince Young files bankruptcy
Fish have the genetic blueprints to turn fins into limbs
A new process looks at the genetic mechanism by which fish fins evolved into land animal limbs.
Tomb of a previously unknown pharaoh unearthed in Egypt
The tomb of a previously unknown pharaoh provides the first material evidence for a forgotten Egyptian dynasty.
Princeton study suggests Facebook will die out like the plague
Diet soda is probably making you even fatter
I can has nanotube? Scientists create cat-like ‘whiskers’ for robots
Researchers identify brain mechanism linked to cocaine addiction
The discovery could provide a potential drug target for anti-addiction medications.
Victoria Beckham is too good for The Spice Girls
Here’s the story from A to Z