A change in temperature may affect stroke rates.
FDA: Naproxen doesn’t lower risk for heart disease
An FDA advisory panel recently met and decided that Naproxen does not appear to lower the risk of heart attack and stroke compared to other drugs.
Stroke risk higher in children with recent illness, according to study
Children may face a risk of stroke, following illnesses.
Belgium extends euthanasia law to sick children
The measure, which is expected to be signed by King Philippe, would make Belgium the first nation to lift all age restrictions.
Popular Astrazeneca medication, Saxagliptin, linked to increased risk of heart failure
A popular drug is linked to a risk of heart failure.
New study suggests smoking negatively affects mental health
Smoking may impact mental health, according to the study.
FDA vote is divided over approval of new blood clot preventing drug
A new drug has divided the FDA.
Uncle Ben’s rice products cause illness outbreak in Texas
A well known rice product is causing illness in Texas.
Can vitamin C help fight off cancer?
Can vitamin C fight cancer? It may, according to a new study.
APA study finds teens are more stressed than adults
It seems young adults are more stressed than adults.