Current heart association guidelines recommend people consume about two servings of fatty fish each week.
Risk of autism may be tied to pollution: Study
The risk of autism is correlated with pollution levels, according to a new study.
CDC finds match between meningitis strain that killed Drexel University student
The CDC cracks a medial mystery.
Bacteria in gut key to link between dark chocolate and heart health, according to new study
Gut bacteria may be responsible for your love of chocolate.
A single drink is enough to impair drivers 55 and over, according to recent research
A single drink may be enough to impair a driver.
Britain may approve three-parent babies by next year
The U.K. will work to approve three-parent babies.
Cost of scans for headache patients reaches $1 billion
Headaches may be the most common human malady, accounting for one-quarter of all doctor visits.
Sleep apnea increases risk for pneumonia
The risk increases, according to researchers.
Sugars found in tequila may protect against obesity, diabetes
An excuse to drink more?
Five-second rule may have more merit than previously thought, researchers say
It seems that food doesn’t go bad when it hits the ground.