Parties work to convince voters a third-party vote is wasted, but can it be valuable?
I’m not going too far out on a limb when I say neither the Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, nor Green Party nominee Jill Stein will become the next President of the United States. In fact, it is likely neither will even get a single electoral vote and virtually impossible for either to a majority of votes in any state.
Most polls of likely voters have them running in single digits, and they are all but being ignored by the news shows, even though they are generating a lot of memes on Facebook and Twitter.
It’s not because their message isn’t good, in fact, both have planks of their platforms that appeal to many voters, both Democratic and Republican. The problem is the whole country has become conditioned to believe we are either Republican or Democrat, or Liberal or Conservative, and any vote for anyone else will be totally wasted, and help the other party win.
The truth is we are all independents, or we should be, able to listen to the candidates, make up our own minds and vote for the one the most nearly represents our views, and the one we feel is most capable of holding the prestigious office.
That seems to be more evident in the current election cycle, as most people are not happy about either of the two major party candidates. Republican voters are turned off by Trump’s fiery rhetoric and his propensity for shooting from the hip, and the Democrats are disillusioned about their candidate being pre-ordained by the party, and being forced to accept a nominee the majority feel is un-trustworthy.
Even still, they are afraid to pull that third-party lever, because they have been convinced if they do, the greater of the two evils will be guaranteed a victory. Amazingly, supporters of both candidates believe the same thing, adding to the puzzling mix.