Recent Research Discovers That Gratitude is Vital to Lasting Happiness

Recent Research Discovers That Gratitude is Vital to Lasting Happiness

Recent research has actually discovered that an attitude of gratitude is what will make for long term happiness and not the pursuit of materialism.

Despite the constant conditioning that declares the pursuit of things, of materialism, is what will make a person happy, recent research has found that it is establishing an outlook of gratitude that leads to happiness. In a recent research study performed at Baylor University in Texas, the researchers discovered that people who are materialistic, who pursue things outside of themselves, are far less happy than those who don’t and are far more likely to fall victim to depression and other afflictions.

The study was entitled: “Why are materialists less happy? The role of gratitude and need satisfaction in the relationship between materialism and life satisfaction.” The study performed at Baylor University was recently published in the journal, Personality and Individual Differences, according to Science Daily.

One of the things the study found was that materialistic people have a difficult time understanding and demonstrating gratitude. This, in part, is due to the fact that the pursuers of things find it extremely difficult to be grateful for what they have acquired. The research and the results were based on the answers given to a 15-minute survey by 246 Baylor University students from the marketing department. The researchers had designed a 15-item scale of materialism on which the participants were to be graded. The average age of the study participant was 21.

Researchers stated that, “gratitude is a positive mood. It is about other people.” The researchers declared that their research has confirmed previous research that shows people want to help other people especially those who have helped them. Focusing on the welfare of others, the research says, makes people happier and healthier and less prone to fall victim to such afflictions as anxiety and depression.

The research finds that the more possessions a person has, the less happy they are. All they have really done is raised their bar for the accumulation of possessions, much like a drug addict needs more and more of the drug to sustain the same high over time. The researcher give an example of a materialistic person buying a new house. All it does for them is establish the context by which they can envision their next bigger and better house. They are simply being driven by their desires.

Those who regularly infuse gratitude into their lives are more likely to find happiness in just being as well as finding deeper meaning to existence, having stronger and longer lasting relationships, and are more involved in the community and world around them.

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