A visit to your doctor will give you the only answers you will ever need in your fight to get healthy again.
If you’re desperate to drop those extra pounds, there’s good news: a new study has the answer, and it may surprise you.
It’s your doctor. Not fad diets or some new expensive machine you saw advertised on TV — your doctor is your best weapon in the fight against obesity, and most people don’t take advantage of it, according to a Business Standard report.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins have published findings that could make a big difference in future weight loss programs by making primary care physicians one of the main factors.
And it makes sense: every one is different and has different needs, and your doctor is an expert in nutrition and health, so it would make the most sense to take advantage of that, pay your doctor a visit, and work out a customized plan that works for you, rather than buy some one-size-fits-all workout plan online or over the phone.
For the study, researchers gathered data from a two-year randomized trial that was funded by the federal government. In the trial, obese patients were given health coaches to help them and were supervised by primary care physicians. They, they were asked to fill out surveys describing their relationships with their doctors.
The results? Nearly all of the 347 patient surveys showed high-quality relationships with their doctors. The patients that gave their doctors the highest marks for helpfulness lost 11 pounds on average, compared to 5 pounds for those who gave the doctor a low helpfulness ratings.
The study, which was published in the journal Patient Education and Counseling, also indicates that not all doctors are created equal. If you don’t feel like your doctor is being particularly helpful, perhaps it’s time to start looking until you find one that fits you.