Jurassic World trailer blows people away

Some big things are happening in the dinosaur world and Chris Pratt, latest star of the Jurassic franchise is one of them. The hit comedy star of such films as The Five-Year Engagement and television shows like Parks and Recreation, Chris Pratt has landed some major blockbuster roles in the last several years. Now, he’s battling prehistoric monsters set in modern day times.

This year, in what Wired calls “another massive trailer for a potential Hollywood blockbuster”, Pratt hits the ground running as the “voice of reason” amongst the theme park’s potential for massive disaster. The full trailer from director Colin Trevorrow’s movie shows hints of just about everything we are going to see in the actual film, from “running raptors, them park destruction and – in a departure from the characters he usually plays – Chris Pratt being the voice of reason.”

The film appears to have even more blood and guts than we remember in the earlier incarnations of the infamous dinosaur franchise, which has become an international sensation and universally recognized brand. Theme parks have embraced the movie as a mainstay attraction and merchandise sales on this movie are sure to be through the roof. Who doesn’t love playing with a nefarious dinosaur?

Since the departure from the Spielberg era, new director Trevorrow has taken on a more violent approach to the manic splaying of dinosaur guts shown on screen. What Wired is saying about the trailer is that it seems Chris Pratt is pretty much a “Velociraptor Whisperer,” which has a lot of comedy in it, to be sure.

In addition to the inclusion of original popular dinosaur the Velociraptor, Jurassic World includes a new “genetically modified dinosaur that Jurassic World has intended to be “bigger than the T. rex” while also attracting more people to the park.” Sounds like a dangerous decision perfect for a summer blockbuster.

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