Actress Gwyneth Paltrow may not have passed the food stamp challenge after all.
It seems that the “Iron Man” and lifestyle blogger, Gwyneth Paltrow, may have just lost the food stamp challenge.
Paltrow started living on a food stamp budget this week, though after posting a photo on Twitter of the $29 worth of food, it left many people wondering if she met the challenge. The photo of the food didn’t seem to include some of the basic and essential food items needed for a healthy grown woman.
Paltrow’s shopping basket included a bag each of brown rice and black beans, a dozen eggs, 18 tortillas, a head of lettuce and kale, green onions, a single ear of corn, an avocado, a tomato, an onion, a head of garlic, a jalapeno, a bunch of cilantro and a dozen limes.
“The Frisky” website analyzed the caloric value of all the items Paltrow purchased with the limited amount of money, and it came in around 7,059 calories — about 1,000 calories a day. In 2012, Corey Booker accepted and the challenge and bought bulkier foods, such as grains and potatoes, though still complained about hunger pains.
Paltrow also used her well-stocked pantry to offset her costs. Kevin Stanton, a Queens chef who took a similar week-long “food stamp challenge”, mentioned that Paltrow used cooking oil as well as salt and pepper that she had already purchased before the challenge, forgetting that many people on food stamps may not be able to afford such items on the money given to them, let alone any other flavoring spices like cayenne or thyme.
The actress hasn’t posted any progress reports since she posted the picture of her shopping basket on Friday. It’s currently unclear if the actress will actually follow through and live on the food stamp budget — as roughly 46.5 million Americans do.