The first album released by Jay Z is pulled off of Spotify to make a statement that listeners need to pay for services.
The first album released by Jay Z disappears from Spotify leaving music listeners with a hard choice for music services. The rapper withdrew his first and most popular album from Spotify to give push for more value on the music market.
It was reported that the rapper was not happy with Spotify due to the fact that the music streaming service does not pay much to musicians. The music service provides free music as long as listeners put up with listening to advertising. With advertising, artists still make money but not as much.
Recently, Beyonce and Rihanna have been backing up Tidal and release exclusive songs just for that music service provider. Since then, Jay Z pulled out his album, but still decided to leave most of his music with Spotify. The different with Tidal is that the rapper has a few more songs.
This dilemma leaves listeners to choose what music service they want. If artist have their music dispersed throughout different music services, then listeners will most likely have to subscribe to more than one. This would mean more money for the artist.
Jay Z said that this would create more business for music artist since music listeners will have to choose from services and deals could be made. All this has been done to get rid of Spotify’s plan to have free service, with advertisement of course.
Tidal and other music services have been released by charging listeners, and have put a lot of pressure on Spotify to go the same route. Also, artist like Jay Z who plan to pull out their music because of low pay could take Spotify to another lever and start charging their listeners by force.