NASA will send submarine to Saturn’s moon Titan’s ocean

NASA will send submarine to Saturn’s moon Titan’s ocean

Methane and ethane lakes on the surface of Titan, one of Saturn's 61 moons, will soon be visited by a NASA submarine.

NASA has announced its definite plans to explore the depths of the sea. No, not here on Earth, but on one of Saturn’s moons, Titan. The sea to be explored on Titan is called Kraken Mare and is the largest on the space rock. NASA released an animated 3D video to reveal their plans.

Saturn has a whopping 61 moons orbiting the gas giant. Titan has its own interesting atmosphere compared to the others. It is surrounded by a brown haze and most of the area on Titan is covered in lakes of methane and ethane in liquid form. This information comes to us from a spacecraft names Cassini which has been trying to study Titan’s atmosphere since 2004.

A single Saturn year is about 30 Earth years. Thus far, Cassini has been in orbit around Saturn for almost half of its annual journey around the sun. So many discoveries have been made in that time and there are so many more to come.

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