No pizza for gay weddings! An Indiana pizzeria steps into the fray

No pizza for gay weddings! An Indiana pizzeria steps into the fray

Memories Pizza has become the focal point for the debate over the Religious Freedom Restoration Act

A small pizza joint in Walkerton, Indiana was forced to close its doors after saying that they would refuse to cater gay weddings.

“If a gay couple was to come in and say they wanted us to provide pizzas for a wedding, we would have to say ‘No.’ We are not discriminating against anyone. It is just that is our beliefs,” said Crystal O’Connor, co-owner of Memories Pizza in an interview for ABC-57.

The other co-owner, Kevin O’Conner, in the same interview said that he would gladly serve gays in his store but that he did not want to participate in their weddings.

“That lifestyle is something they choose. I choose to be heterosexual,” said O’Conner. “They choose to be homosexual. Why should I be beat over the head to go along with something they choose?”

He later told the Daily Beast that he has never been asked to provide pizza for a wedding of two homosexuals.

The pizza place has quickly become a focal point for the debate over religious freedom versus discrimination.

On the one hand, a GoFundMe account has been set up by Dana Loesch of TheBlaze, a news network run by the infamous Glenn Beck.

“Nobody should ever have to suffer or suffer alone for their faith, for standing up for Christian principles,” said Loesch.

The page raised more than $40,000 in its first six hours.

On the other side of the debate, opponents of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act have taken to the internet, writing thousands of negative reviews of the restaurant on such popular sites as Facebook and Yelp.

“Would Jesus eat here? I think not. The only thing they have on the menu is hate!” wrote Bill from San Francisco on Yelp.

“Reviews aren’t the place for rants about a business’s employment practices, political ideologies, extraordinary circumstances, or other matters that don’t address the core of the consumer experience,” said a Yelp spokesman in an interview with the Huffington Post. Posts that do not meet the guidelines are generally taken down.

For their part, the O’Connors are not likely to open up shop any time soon.

“I don’t know if we will re-open or if we can, if it’s safe to re-open,” Crystal O’Connor told TheBlaze. “We’re in hiding basically, staying in the house.”

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