Although her baby has yet to reach the age of one, Olivia Wilde seems to have her body back on track. She gave birth to her son, Otis Alexander, 11 months ago.
The Tron: Legacy actress showed off her post-baby body on the cover of Shape Magazine for the April issue. She seemed to be in perfect shape, but she admitted to Shape that she was far from perfect.
Wilde said, “I’m softer than I’ve ever been.” Her profile in the magazine, which is now on newsstands, also said that this statement included the time in high school when she “simultaneously discovered Krispy Kreme and pot.”
The 31-year-old actress, who is engaged to Jason Sudeikis, described the photos in the magazine as “generously constructed” to accentuate her best features and angles. She added that she embraced “good lighting,” and she admitted that she is a mother, “and I look like one.”
Wilde said that she loved being pregnant and was stunned by her post-birth body. And she was not shy about sharing details.
“You haven’t seen your vagina in months,” Wilde said, “and now that you can finally confirm that she is, in fact, still there, she isn’t the gal you remember.” Wilde also compared her belly, which she loved while pregnant, after birth to a “deflated pool toy.”
She admitted that getting back to the gym was a daunting task because she just wanted to stay home with her child and relax. Wilde said that her main priority was to make her workouts enjoyable. She went on to say that exercise should be a “gift to your brain” as well as to the body.
Wilde wanted to ignore the pressure that Hollywood creates for actresses to return to their normal weight and size quickly. She said that she did not want to spend her time working toward a “subjective definition of perfection.”