Bloomsburg University baseball player Joey Casselberry has been kicked off the team after a Twitter post from his account called 13-year-old Little League World Series star Mo’ne Davis a “slut.” Davis, who was the first girl ever to pitch a shutout or earn a win in the LLWS, was mocked in the tweet, which referenced her loss to Nevada during the series, as well as the Disney movie to be made about her.
The tweet said that it was a joke that Disney is making a movie about the Little League pitcher, ending with “That slut got rocked by Nevada.” The Bloomsburg University administration quickly tweeted an apology, and announced Casselberry’s dismissal, saying “his words do not represent us.”
Casselberry also apologized on Twitter before his account was deactivated, stating that one stupid tweet has ruined his life and that he “couldn’t be more sorry about his actions last night.” Other students at the University have chimed in with cautions about watching what is said on social media.
Davis appeared on SportsCenter on Monday morning. She asked that Casselberry be reinstated to the team. She told ESPN that “everyone makes mistakes and everyone deserves a second chance.” She said “I know he would want to take that back,” and that she knows he “didn’t mean it in that type of way.” The school is not budging though, saying the player violated policy, and “right now we’re standing firm.”
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