The east coast braces for more winter weather
Despite the week beginning with calm weather, millions of Americans in the northeast are stocking up and buckling down for what could be potentially historic weather conditions.
Winter storm Juno, which has turned into a major concern for the upper east coast, can create blizzard-like effects with between one and four feet of snowfall. The storm, which has already dropped a few inches of snow on the Midwest states, is bearing down on the coast. As the storm approaches the northeast it is expected to turn into a major coastal threat.
From the lower section of New Jersey up to Maine there are more than 35 million citizens who have started closing stores and securing their property going into Tuesday. The blizzard warnings released by the National Weather Service include areas such as New York City, Hartford, Boston, and Providence. The warnings will be in effect for Monday afternoon and into late Tuesday evening.
The storm has also caused several issues with state to state operations. There have been thousands of flights which have been grounded. Airlines such as Delta, Southwest, US Airways, and JetBlue have reported giving winter weather waivers. Many of them will let travelers go to or through the problem states allowing one itinerary alteration without having to pay any extra fees.
Along with air travel concerns, many companies and schools have decided to close up early. Several cities have also chosen to deploy salt spreaders and snowplows in order combat the looming storm. The deepest snowfall levels from the winter storm Juno will be New England to New Jersey.
Snow is not the only problem that will come from Juno. Many places such as Massachusetts, Martha’s Vineyard and even Cape Cod could see dangerous wind gusts. There are wind warnings for the entire Cape Cod vicinity which could gust in upwards of 80 miles per hour. All mariners in the area have been advised to stay in port. The winds can combine with snow creating dangerously low visibility and blizzard like conditions. These winds can also create serious power outages and tree damage, along with major coastal flooding.
Rates of snowfall throughout the coast can be easily between two to four inches per hour during peak times of the storm. Places such as Washington D.C. could possibly experience small snow build up, while the largest amounts should be north and west of the area. Philadelphia is set encounter more the six inches of snowfall from the city itself down in southern New Jersey. Even the New York City region can see up to a foot or more of substantial snow.
There are precautions which can be taken to keep safe during this winter storm. The Red Cross encourages people to understand the difference between common weather terms. Phrases such as “winter storm outlook” refer to a storm which could happen in the next several days. Next in severity, “winter weather advisory” indicates the storm could be dangerous. Third in weather warning terms, “winter weather watch” which means to watch for storm conditions in the upcoming days and lastly there is the “winter storm warning” which refers to severe weather that is going to happen within the next several hours.
After determining the phase of the storm, it is imperative to stock up with the essentials. These items include things like a manual can opener, heating fluid, extra blankets, portable radio, bottled water and of course a first aid kit.
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