A waterfront mansion near Annapolis, Maryland was gutted by fire early Monday morning. Relatives of the family that resided in the mansion feel sure the family was inside when the fire began, according to reports from the Albany Times Union.
Capt. Russ Davies, a spokesman for the Anne Arundel County Fire Department, stated that the mansion is the focal point of the ongoing search for those missing. Officials wouldn’t name the family members missing or comment on what led relatives to believe the family was in the mansion.
The mansion is listed as the property of Don and Sandra Pyle, according to the online records of the Maryland Department of Assessments and Taxation. Records indicate that the mansion is their principal residence.
“We know who’s unaccounted for. If you look at the damage, you know, it would not be a stretch to think that if there were occupants that they did not survive the fire,” said Capt. Davies.
The cause of the fire is still under investigation. Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were at the home on Monday afternoon. On Tuesday, federal investigators came from across the country to examine the scene.
It took 85 firefighters to put out the fire, which gutted the 16,000-square-foot mansion including its seven bedrooms and 7 ½ bathrooms. Firefighters fought remaining hot spots for around ten hours. No fire hydrants were nearby; fire crews used water tankers to shuttle water to the fire. A fire boat was placed at a nearby pier; it too was used to bring in water.
Don Pyle, one of the mansion’s owners, was recently named chief operating officer of ScienceLogic, a cloud computing software company based in Reston, Virginia. Yama Habibzai, a spokesman for ScienceLogic, confirmed – through an email to the Associated Press – that a fire occurred at Pyle’s home and is under investigation. The company had no further comment.
No evidence thus far points to foul play, according to Special Agent David Cheplak, a spokesman for the ATF’s Baltimore field office.
The search for the missing family will likely begin on Wednesday. Firefighters must first stabilize the remaining structure and remove tens of thousands of gallons of water from the basement.
Saddened neighbors have visited the site and left mementos such as flowers and teddy bears.
The house was constructed in 2005 and state property records for the time stated its value as $4.2 million.

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